Treatment Methods
The IPCC uses a number of methods to control Phragmites, ranging from cutting to drown to herbicide application. These methods are used with the ultimate goal of killing the perennial tissues of Phragmites plants in a comprehensive way.
Herbicide Application
In partnership with Green Stream, the IPCC uses herbicide to control Phragmites. With licensed applicators on staff, herbicide can achieve a high success rate in controlling Phragmites. Trained staff members apply herbicide in a targeted and accurate manner using backpack sprayers. This method is flexible as application can be done on foot (allowing less accessible areas to be treated) or using vehicles when necessary.
Cutting Program
In partnership with Bruce Power, Green Stream, and Lambton Shores Phragmites Community Group, the IPCC offers a comprehensive program to cut and remove Phragmites from wet sites. When Phragmites is cut in deep water, the below ground structures can no longer receive oxygen that is provided by the stems. Depending on water depths, up to 100% Phragmites mortality can be achieved after one comprehensive cut. Removal of large, dense Phragmites is facilitated using ambitious cutting machines called Truxors. We also use gas powered STIHL cutters and raspberry cane cutters to remove lower density Phragmites.
Chad cuts Phragmites with a Truxor.
Bev and Josh cut Phragmites with STIHL saws.
Chad scoops cut Phragmites out of the water to pile it on land.
An important component of our cutting program is the collaboration with local community groups. Individuals from numerous organizations (both private and public) assist our crew with cutting and picking up cut Phragmites at their specific sites.
Oliphant Fishing Islands Phragmites Community Group, The Grey Sauble Conservation Authority, Bruce Peninsula Biosphere Association, IPCC cutting crew
Lambton Shores Phragmites Community Group volunteers gather Phragmites.
Volunteers cut Phragmites at Oliphant.
Before and after photos at the Brucedale Conservation Authority campground. White triangles show landmark markers.
Before and after photos at the Lambton Centre camphround in Kettle Point. White triangles show landmark markers.